Tuesday, January 21, 2014

12) The Castles of Burgundy

Yay, finally get to play this game I got for Christmas. As this was everyones first game we all used the starter boards, but I'm excited to try out the other board choices. I love games where you're building up your own 'city' and there was so much of that, as well as a constant scoring of points, which really makes it feel like you're doing a lot. The mechanics and game play are so simple, yet there's so much to think about and plan for on each turn. And saving one of the highest complements I can give for last: This is a dice game that I really like.

Just getting going

Third of the way through the game

Everything for a 4 player game.

Who needs to be first player...not black

End game board

And black wins...

...because of 40 points in sheep

This game is great fun and I can't wait to play it again soon.

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